Section 14.3: Paused Screen Handling Up Chapter 14: Extensions Section 14.5: ODBC Data access 

14.4 TODO statement

Mike Aubury has introduced a new statement TODO ... END TODO similar in structure to a CASE ... END CASE but which iterates until all its WHEN branches are DONE.
TODO  [condition]
   WHEN condition  
     statements ...  
   IF cond THEN
   [ ALWAYS statements ... ]
The idea is that each WHEN must be marked DONE before the loop exits. There is an optional conditional at the top of the loop which can also force a premature exit, along with EXIT TODO and/or CONTINUE TODO. The idea is to have a list of workflow and batch type operations - which can be performed in any order - but all must be performed before we can proceed. Each item is only executed when the WHEN condition is met - but the DONEs must still be executed (ie. at some point - the WHEN condition must evaluate to TRUE and the commands executed, resulting in a DONE)
There is also an ALWAYS item which shouldn’t/can’t be marked DONE but is executed each time around the loop (maybe for a SLEEP, or a DISPLAY etc.)
Eventually, Mike might look to see if each of these WHENs can get executed on a separate thread - so it would be useful for writing parallel executing code.
 Section 14.3: Paused Screen Handling Up Chapter 14: Extensions Section 14.5: ODBC Data access