18.2 Saved Meta Data
There are 3 things you can use with the meta data
18.2.1 The Report Viewer
This is a GTK2.0 application which displays the contents of the report in a tab’d window (one tab per page) - you can’t print or anything, but its useful to see what has been put out in the meta data file and is used as the basis of the next app.
By default, it will only show you the first 10 and last 10 pages (if your report is only 5 pages long - you’ll still only see 5 pages!). This is basically to limit the impact of a very large report in terms of creating GTK widgets!
You can change this by changing the MAX_PAGE and MIN_PAGE in report_viewer/report_viewer.
Invoke using :
$ report_viewer filename
Where filename is the meta data file (ie the START REPORT TO "filename")
You will probably note that you can click on sections of the report and they change colour. These define the printed elements. When you click on an ’element’ everything that the report considers to be printed in the same place in your 4GL (not based on lines/columns etc) is highlighted..
Also - there is a series of ’>’ going down the left hand side - these indicate the block in which those elements are printed. Again clicking on one of these highlights all lines printed within that block (i have not done anything about have a print ... ; in an after then have a print in an on every row etc)
There is some debugging stuff which is printed to stdout (ie from the window you ran the application from) which will eventually be removed...
18.2.2 The layout editor
This is another GTK2 application which embeds the report viewer and allows you to edit a logical report output.
For now there are only two coded report output types: CSV and TXT
Although all of the code has been abstracted into shared libraries : libLOGREP_???.so
You can’t edit the TXT layout at all, so you get a ’no configurable options’ for that.
For CSV mode, the libLOGREP creates a series of tables - one for each block which has seen something printed in the output... (e.g. before group/after group/ page header/on every row)
You can then drag&drop information from the report viewer into these tables to generate the report layout. Double clicking a cell removes the contents of that cell..
At the minute you are limited to 10 cells across - this will be changed to use a spin button like the number of lines...
You can use the ’Default’ menu option to create you a default layout which you can then play with.
Unfortunately, the layout is indicated by using the block and entry ID for the printed output - so you’ll see things like "0/1", "1/4" in the layout editor - if you want to see what they represent, a single click will highlight that section on the report viewer...
You can load a layout using the menu option.. When you’re happy - save the file using the menu options...
Invocation :
$ layout_engine type filename
Where type is TXT or CSV (more to be added later!) and filename is the original 4GL report output (just like for the report_viewer)
$ layout_engine CSV /tmp/r1.out
You can’t change the report you’re editing or the type from within the layout engine. You’ll need to start it again. All load/saves within the layout editor refer to the layout file - not the meta data report file!!!
An extension .lrf ( Logical Report Format) is used when it thinks its required.
18.2.3 The report processor
This a text mode application which takes a report meta data file and a report type and renders the report to the required output type with an optional layout file. This is abstracted behind a shared library just like the report layout but its called libLOGREPPROC_?.so
If no layout file is supplied then a default one is generated before the report is processed.
$ process_report type filename or $ process_report type filename layoutfile
The output is currently stored in a temporary file (the name of which is displayed when the process completes)
18.2.4 Tips for CSV layouts
Copy to the same block type - the only exception might be for BEFORE GROUP OF to duplicate these details in an on every row..