2.3 But first
Before you install Aubit4GL you may need to have installed other software
ncurses 1.78 or later (and maybe ncurses-wide if you are using UTF-8 or other multibyte characters). Get this from your OS distribution.
pdflib (if you intend to expoit PDFREPORTs). You will get this from pdflib.
GTK2 (if you want to use the (discontinued) alternative graphic frontend). Get this from your OS distribution.
ESQLC or ODBC for your database engine(s) unless using PostgreSQL
Ventas Display Client (if you want to use a graphic frontend). Get this from ventas.de
gSOAP (if you want to write web services). Get this from ???
perl (if you want to use aace_perl, etc). Get this from your OS distribution
The above will likely suffice for the binary installation.
But if you want to download Aubit4GL source and build it on your platform, because it is built in C, you will need the following as well:
GNU C compiler: gcc and its prerequisites e.g.: GNU make
autoconf tools
bison, flex, m4
gdb, valgrind
cvs, svn, and their prerequisites
You should get any development packages associated with these prerequisites. (They usually have a suffix -dev or -devel). These will provide among other things the necessary .h files. If you are a software developer you have probably installed these already.
How you get these and install them varies with different distributions. If your OS distribution has packages for your version of the OS, then use those in preference to downloading and compiling from source.
Use GUI Yast2 to search and install
or from the command line:
zypper search packagename
zypper install package
Ubuntu (or other Debian derived systems)
Use GUI aptitude or synaptic and search
or from the command line:
apt-cache search packagename
apt-get install package
The above will all install any prerequisite packages in addition to your chosen application.
For applications like pdflib which do not come packaged with the OS distribution, installation will vary but you will expect to install most of them by
pointing a browser at the site (e.g. www.pdflib.org)
find the download file you want
right-click on the file to download it.
mv the file to your chosen directory (e.g. /local/opt/pdflib)
cd to the above directory
extract the files from the download tarball. e.g.:
tar xvfz appname-1.17-34.tar.gz
cd to the directory extracted. e.g.
cd appname-1.17-34
find any README and/or INSTALL file and follow the instructions. They are usually something like
make test
make install (as root)
configure as necessary PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH etc