7.8 Barcodes
The following description has been supplied by Michael Krauss (mike@holzamer.de):
The supported barcodes in PDFREPORT are:
ean-8 An EAN-8 is a barcode and is derived from the longer European Article Number (EAN-13) code. It was introduced for use on small packages where an EAN-13 barcode would be too large; for example on cigarettes
ean-13 or UPC-A An EAN-13 barcode (originally "European Article Number", but now renamed ”International Article Number” even though the abbreviation has been retained) is a 13 digit (12 + check digit) barcoding standard which is a superset of the original 12-digit Universal Product Code (UPC) system developed in the United States.[1] The EAN-13 barcode is defined by the standards organisation GS1.
addon ean-2 The EAN-2 is a supplement to the EAN-13 and UPC-A barcodes. It is often used on magazines and periodicals to indicate an issue number.
addon ean-5 The EAN-5 is a supplement to the EAN-13 and UPC-A barcode used on books. It is used to give a suggestion for the price of the book.
barcode 39 Code 39 (also known as "USS Code 39", "Code 3/9", "Code 3 of 9", "USD-3", "Alpha39", "Type 39") is a barcode symbology that can encode uppercase letters (A through Z), digits (0 through 9) and a handful of special characters like the $ sign.
barcode 25 code 25 barcode image * code 25 * standard 2of5 * industrial 2of5 space code25 barcode space Code 25 bar code symbology, also known as standard 2 of 5, or industrial 2 of 5, is designed to encode numeric-only data.
barcode QR A QR Code is a matrix barcode (or two-dimensional code), readable by QR scanners, mobiles phones with camera, and smartphones.
The PDFREPORT statement to set the barcode type is:
where exp is one of:
”8”, ”13”, ”25”, ”39”, ”QR”
but the system is tolerant of variations such as:
”ean8”, ”ean-8”, ”ean13”, ”ean-13”
or upper case variants of these.