Added some new fragments which will be included soon into the manual. Topics:
Work is under way. The new manual has been renamed: a4glman
While the full manual is being prepared, I will be putting additions such as Web Services and the New GUI stuff on this website as separate files.
We have a group of volunteers standing by to translate the manual into Spanish. I'm sure they would welcome more volunteers to share the workload. Write to the Aubit4GL user group if you are able and willing to assist.
There is also documentation of new tools:
booklet: qrbooklet.ps
4glqref.ps: a4glqref.lyx
lyx -e ps $?
qrbooklet.ps: a4glqref.ps
psbook $? | psnup -2up > $@
printbooklet: a4glqrefbooklet.ps
lp -d OfficeJet-7400 \
-o Duplex=DuplexTumble \
-o media=a4 \
If not use zypper install or apt-get install (depending on your flavour of Linux) to install both of them
I particularly recommend LYX which is the best piece of software ever written. (It allows you to produce Knuth's beautiful documents without the need to learn the LATEX and TEX languages for professional quality typesetting).
I have had to do a lot of research into printing. Being a die-hard command line man, I wanted to know how to set duplex, short-side flip, landscape modes on the printer form the lp or lpr commands. man lp was totally uninformative. I found the answers in 2, for me, unexpected places: http://www.linuxprinting.org and http://localhost:631.
From the latter you can find the approprate -o options for each of your printers. Under CUPS there is a set of generic commandline options (e.g. -o landscape ) which will be translated into the appropriate command for your printer's language. Anything not recognised as a standard option by the CUPS program is passed through as is (e.g. -o Duplex=DuplexNoTumble).
To find the specific options for your printer, use the command: lpoptions printer where printer is the name of your print queue (inkjet in my case). Then you can print from the command line using the options you want:
lp -d printer -o option1 [-o option2 ...] filename.ps
For the Aubit 4GL Quick Reference booklet, the command will be something like:
lp -d inkjet -o sides=two-sided-short-edge -o media=a4 qrbooklet.ps
You may or may not need to use the option -o landscape. The psbook command puts the content into landscape so the printer may not need it. Try it and see. If it is wrong, it will cost you only 2 sheets of paper.
This is still the old Manual.
This has not been updated yet!
aubman.lyx: http://www.og.co.nz/aubman.lyx
The manual is written using LYX (which has an ASCII format). LYX comes out of the box with SuSE. You can generate the Postscript, PDF, and HTML formats by running LYX and using the File->export option. For those of you without LYX we have the other formats here (or you can view the HTML online).
Ross Moore (Maths dept, McQuarrie University) had fixed the bug in latex2html which was bodging tables. Unfortunately this fix was not carried through into current Linux distros. The fix is quite simple and the patch is available here.
The latex2html program is a perl script. The patch needed is:
+++ /usr/bin/latex2html 2005-03-23 06:49:49.000000000 +1200
@@ -5285,7 +5285,6 @@
elsif ($this_cmd) { push(@pieces, $this_cmd) }
push(@pieces, $after);
+ $within_preamble=0;
print " $replacements new-command replacements\n"
if (($VERBOSITY>1) && $replacements);
This document was generated using the LaTeX2HTML translator Version 2002-2-1 (1.70)
Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996,
Nikos Drakos,
Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.
Copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999,
Ross Moore,
Mathematics Department, Macquarie University, Sydney.
The command line arguments were:
latex2html -split 0 -link 0 -show_section_numbers -html_version 4.0 -nonavigation aubithome.tex
The translation was initiated by informix on 2010-07-24